Tea tree oil is undoubtedly the most studied of all essential oils. It is obtained from the shrub-like tree known as Melaleuca in Australia and it is widely known for its healing benefits to treat skin conditions.  
This essential oil has become all the rage in cosmetics, becoming an active ingredient in various nail creams, face wash, and massage oils due to its natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
10 Tea Tree Oil Benefits For Your Skin
  1.  Treating Acne
Tea tree oil reduces inflammation that can lead to swelling of the skin, thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial compounds. 
According to a study done by the Department of Dermatology at Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia’s Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,  “5% tea-tree oil and 5% benzoyl peroxide had a significant effect in ameliorating the patients’ acne.”
All you need is a small amount of this potent oil to penetrate the skin and unblock the glands.  It will dry out pimples, blemishes, blackheads and white heads.
  1.  Relieving Psoriasis
While there is not cure for psoriasis, tea tree oil and its anti-inflammatory properties can relieve the discomfort and accelerate healing.
Tea tree oil removes dead skin cells that cause psoriasis and its antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties relieve burning, redness and itching.
Mix ten drops of tea tree oil with two tablespoons of melted coconut oil.  Apply onto the affected area. Repeat a few times daily.
  1.  Eczema
The antiseptic properties of tea tree oil soothe the itchiness and heal the skin.  In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation and prevent further damage.
Mix twenty drops of tea tree oil with half-cup of coconut oil.  Rub this mixture onto the affected are two times daily.  Alternatively, you can take a tea tree oil bath.
  1.  Cuts and Infections
The combination of tea tree oil and lavender essential oil is an amazing ointment for cut or an infection.  Clean out the cut with water and hydrogen peroxide. Then, dilute a few drops of tea tree and lavender oil in jojoba oil and apply onto the affected area.
  1.  Razor Burn Relief
Tea tree oil works as natural astringent that alleviates irritation from shaving.  Add a few drops of tea tree oil to two teaspoons of witch hazel and then apply onto the razor burn.
  1.  Get Rid of Athlete’s Foot
You can make your own athlete`s food powder using tea tree oil, baking soda, and arrowroot powder.   Put twenty drops of tea tree oil, quarter cup of arrowroot powder and a quarter root of baking soda to a bowl.  Add the powder to a shaker to break down the lumps.  Rinse the feet, pat dry, and apply the powder.
  1.  Makeup Remover
Tea tree oil works as great natural makeup remover.  Mix ten drops of tea tree oil and a quarter cup of extra-virgin oil in a four-ounce glass.  Shake well and store in a cool place.  To use,  soak a cotton ball in the solution and sweep over the face.
  1.  Soothe Chicken Pox and Fade Scars
The itching associated with chicken pox can also lead to scarring of the skin.  To soothe the itch and face scars, take a warm bath with tea tree oil at least once daily.
  1.  Boils
Tea tree oil is extremely effective for fighting staph infections, particularly those that are antibiotic-resistant.  Dilute some tea tree oil in almond oil and apply to boils a few times daily.
  1.  Warts
While warts aren`t painful, they are embarrassing and unsightly.  Using tea tree oil helps stop the infection and reduce redness, irritation, and inflammation.
Wash the hands and the area surrounding the wart thoroughly.  Apply a drop of tea tree oil, put a bandage over, and let it work overnight.  Remove the bandage in the morning and repeat the procedure every night.  The wart will fall off in a week or two.
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