For many women skin care and face cleaning has become a very important thing. Also, if we do not take care of our skin, many factors like climate change, sun exposure and dirt can influence the face and skin.
Coconut Oil and Baking Soda For a Complete Face Cleaning Like You Never Had Before
Plus, if we do not give it the nutrients and properties it needs, it will form wrinkles and it will start showing signs of premature aging.
This is why women mostly apply different skin treatments so that their skin can get the necessary care. Nevertheless, most of the times, we do not usually know what we are putting on our faces. In fact, these products that we use contain a lot of harmful chemicals. This is why you need to try something natural. Something that will nourish the skin and provide it with the best benefits, without side-effects.
The remedy we are about to present you with is made with products that you already have at home and it is extremely easy. Let’s check it out!

 The Perfect Mask For Your Skin and Face

The ingredients that you need are sodium bicarbonate and coconut oil. The preparation of these two has no chemical compounds and it works with any type of skin without side-effects.
You can use it to treat scars, acne, redness, dirt, fat, dead skin and to reduce wrinkles too.
The bicarbonate is used to restore the appropriate level of pH, also, to accelerate healing as well. On the other hand, the coconut oil has moisturizing and antibacterial properties.
Therefore, if you combine the two, you will have the perfect treatment. Bear in mind that if you use extra virgin coconut oil, it will provide you with more positive results. Also consider your skin type for the application.
If you have sensitive skin you need to apply a 2:1 ration of oil and bicarbonate for deep exfoliating. While for a deep exfoliating treatment use the 1:1 ratio.
All you need to do for the preparation is mix both the ingredients and if necessary add some hot water. Then, apply on the skin with a deep massage and leave it for a couple of minutes. Afterwards, wash well with warm water.
That is all. It is a very simple recipe which will help your face and skin immensely. Trust us!
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