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The Recipes for Colon Cleanse

1. Essential Oil Colon Cleanse Recipe

The Ingredients:

  • 10 drops lemon and peppermint essential oil
  • Freshly squeezed organic lemon juice
  • 12 oz of filtered water
You need to mix the ingredients together and just drink this remedy three times a day for two weeks.

2. Maple Syrup Colon Cleanse Recipe

You should do this recipe in a period of 10 to 16 days.

The Ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoon of grade B organic maple syrup
  • Freshly squeezed organic lemon juice
  • ½ a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 12 oz of filtered water
Mix the ingredients and just drink this mixture 4 times a day for 2 weeks.
Just try these colon cleanse recipes, you will see that they will provide great effects. They will improve your mood, better your health and give you a lot of energy! Previous page >>
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– Avoid Eating Foods Packed with Phytic Acid
As mentioned above, foods that possess phytic acid include seeds, beans, nuts, and grains. You should avoid eating these foods since the phytic acid found in them could keep your body from absorbing the vitamins and minerals from the food you eat.
– Consume Foods High in Nutrients
Eating foods high in minerals and vitamins helps prevent or even heal tooth decay. You should eat green leafy vegetables and healthy fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, etc.
– Minimize Your Sugar Consumption
Minimize your consumption of foods rich in sugar to keep your teeth healthy because the harmful bacteria found in your mouth feed on sugar. Plus, sugar demineralises and decalcifies the structure of your teeth.
– Practice Oil Pulling
It is an ancient dental technique that could help improve your oral health. Simply rinse your mouth with 1 tbsp. of raw, organic coconut oil for about twenty minutes and then spit it out. 
It is advisable to start doing it for about five minutes and then gradually work your way up to twenty minutes. Doing this dental technique on a regular basis could also help fight headaches, gingivitis, and more.
– Brush Your Teeth with Mineralizing Toothpaste
You should brush your teeth with fluoride-free toothpaste in order to keep good oral health. But, this type of toothpaste can be expensive. Luckily, you can make your own fluoride-free toothpaste.
How to make your own fluoride-free toothpaste:
A quarter tsp. of baking soda
3 tbsp. of Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Powder
A quarter tsp. of mint-flavored chlorophyll
A quarter tsp. of peppermint extract
Half a tsp. of raw, organic coconut oil
1 tbsp. of filtered water
You can prepare your own fluoride-free toothpaste by mixing all the ingredients.
Follow the above mentioned recommendations to reverse cavities, heal tooth decay and keep your teeth and gums healthy.Previous Page
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The usual places dark spots appear are the face or limbs. This could be related to liver problems and excessive sun exposure. There are many natural remedies for dark spots which work well if you are persistent.
Lemon is a great skin bleacher and can fade the spots. Just soak a cotton ball with some lemon juice and rub it on the affected areas twice.
Apply some onion juice directly on the spot, leave it to work for 10-15 minutes. After that rinse well with water and repeat the process until you see the spots disappear.
Just apply some raw Aloe Vera on the places you have dark spots and leave it for half an hour. You can even grow the plant at home and use the raw gel directly of the leaves.
The way to use horseradish is by mixing it with vinegar. Apply the mixture on the dark spots and you will notice them vanish soon.
To see some incredible results just apply homemade vitamin C serum on the dark spots.

When you get too much dirt or excess oil on your skin, it can’t breathe properly and this can lead to numerous problems. Here are some natural remedies that clean pores effectively:
Rub a paste of sugar and lemon on your skin and massage in circular motion. Rinse with warm water when you’re done and repeat the process every day for best results.
For unclogging pores, steaming is a very effective remedy. Put your face over a pot with boiling water with a towel over your head, steam for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water once you’re dome. To remove excess dirt from your face, you can also use vinegar. Previous Page >>
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Your hair can be strengthened due to the high protein and amino acid content of the seed, but also it can make your hair shiny because of the copper they contain. The copper produces melanin and that is a pigment that gives color to your hair.

The essential fatty acids that this seed has will help you in avoiding hair damage.

The watermelon seeds have magnesium which is necessary to your body. And the pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, is essential for breaking down carbohydrates into energy.

If you want to treat edema with watermelon seeds, all you have to do is toss a teaspoon of dry and ground watermelon seeds in a teaspoon of honey, then put it in a ¾ cup of warm water and mix it well. This mixture should be consumed 2 times a day.

These seeds have lycopene antioxidant and it is an excellent and efficient remedial method to boost the male potency levels.

All you have to do to deal with diabetes is to prepare a drink from a handful of watermelon seeds in one liter of water for 45 minutes. You should consume this drink two times a day.

Don’t throw away the seeds from the watermelon next time you buy one, you can use them if you have one of these problems or as a prevention.Previous Page
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3. Yellow Nails

The yellow nails are the result of a deficiency of vitamin E in the body. The solution for this issue is very simple, you just have to start the supplement of vitamin E. The natural source of vitamin E consists of sweet potatoes, peanuts, hazelnuts, wheat germ oil and almonds which you can add in your daily diet.

Split or Brittle Nails

This condition of nails is due to lack of moisture and vitamin B in the body. To resolve this issue You can start the intake of gelatine, calcium supplements, and colloid minerals to get rid of this condition. For pregnant women biotin can be dangerous, thus one should not take this supplement without the instruction of a physician.

5. Vertical Ridges

The malnutrition or deficiency of vitamin and minerals are reflected through the vertical ridges. You can use almond oil and chamois buffer and polish your nails. Do this 2-3 times a day. Do not go for ridge fillers as it consists of synthetic chemicals in it.

6. Horizontal Dents or Ridges

The horizontal dents are actually a sign of nutritional deficiencies, high fever, psoriasis or can cause due to trauma after surgery. The supplements of protein and vitamin A are advised by Petty to cure this condition.

7. Fungus

The frequent exposure of nails to warmth and dampness leads to fungus issue in the fingernail. The greenish, yellow or messy look of nails indicates the fungal infection. You can use tea tree oil soak to get rid of the fungal infection in the nail.

At What Point You Should Be Concerned

Here are some health indication of nails which are serious and you should get a medical help for such conditions.
  • Blue nail beds indicate issues in blood flow
  • Fragile nails indicate hypo- or hyperthyroidism
  • Upward-bending nails lead to thyroid infection
  • Yellow nails represent the chronic bronchitis
  • White nail beds indicate liver infection
  • Red nail beds lead to coronary illness
In the above condition, you must go for a health check up and treat the issues on the immediate basis.
Important Note
All content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others. Previous Page >>
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Chikungunya (causes rashes, joint pain, and nausea)
Jamestown Canyon (causes flu-like symptoms)
Snowshoe Hare (causes vomiting, rashes, dizziness)
Rift Valley Fever (causes eye damage, dizziness, weakness)
La Crosse Encephalitis (causes nausea and fever)
With 175 different kinds of mosquitoes in the US, the chances of them carrying a variety of the above is definitely there, thus you should be aware of how to protect you and your family, naturally, without having to resort to chemicals.
Yes, there is a vitamin, B1 aka thiamine, that can be used as a natural mosquito repellant.
You can get B1 through sources such as kale, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, onions, broccoli, green beans, summer squash, and sunflower seeds.
Taking in enough B1 will give off what is described as a “yeasty” type of small. This is undetectable to humans, but mosquitoes can pick it up and they hate it!
How about a natural DIY bug spray? This one works awesome. You use organic apple cider vinegar and fresh parsley! Add a handful of fresh parsley leaves and then add in four ounces of organic apple cider vinegar to a mortar and pestle.
Now you want to mash the leaves thoroughly. Then let the mix sit overnight, or at least for several hours. Strain out all the solids.
Then pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Keep it in the fridge and you can even add essential oils to give it a pleasant smelling scent! Previous Page >>
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When you are ready to use the lemons, simply take one out and grate it – with the peel and all – into your drink, onto your salad, ice cream, soup, or more. Now, instead of just having lemon flavored water, you will have water that is completely infused with all of the natural health benefits of limonoids, too!
These anti-carcinogenic and anti-microbial effects can completely detox the body, not just cancer. It can target bacterial and fungal infections, parasites, and worms as well as lower your blood pressure and act as a natural defense against depression!
This fruit is great alkalinizer that regulates the blood’s pH levels. It also kills the malignant cells of twelve cancer types like pancreas, lung, prostate and colon cancer. The lemons compounds have proven to be ten thousand times better than the adriamycin, drug used in chemo to decrease the cancer cell growth. The lemon therapy destroys only the malignant cancer cells, not the healthy ones.
Lemons have also been linked to other health benefits with high quantities of vitamin C, and proving to be a good source of folate.
You can also use lemon rind to clean wood furniture too.Previous Page >>