You probably already know that drinking lemon water aids in digestion, cleanses your system, and improves your immune system. 
This is What Happens When You Freeze Lemons
However, did you also know that lemons can prevent and cure cancer?Lemons contain phytochemicals called limonoids, natural compounds that are hugely beneficial to our bodies. 

A specific limonoid called limonin has been shown to reduce cholesterol and heart disease. Even more so, 11 different limonoids found in lemons were able to prevent the growth of breast cancer cells. In fact, this natural lemon treatment has been shown to be 10,000 times more effective than traditional chemotherapy.
However, limonoids are found mostly within the peel of the lemon, containing upwards of 10 times the amount of vitamins and limonoids than the juice alone.
 When you place a lemon in your glass of water, you are not absorbing all of the possible limonoids that you could be. Instead, do yourself a favor and freeze the slices of lemon – it may just save your life!
First, wash organic lemons. Then, cut them or leave them whole, depending on your preference. Finally, place the lemons in a freezer bag and freeze for later. Using this method of preservation, the lemons can be stored for months at a time, allowing you to have fresh, healthy lemons whenever you need them.Continue Reading Page 2>>

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