When you are ready to use the lemons, simply take one out and grate it – with the peel and all – into your drink, onto your salad, ice cream, soup, or more. Now, instead of just having lemon flavored water, you will have water that is completely infused with all of the natural health benefits of limonoids, too!
These anti-carcinogenic and anti-microbial effects can completely detox the body, not just cancer. It can target bacterial and fungal infections, parasites, and worms as well as lower your blood pressure and act as a natural defense against depression!
This fruit is great alkalinizer that regulates the blood’s pH levels. It also kills the malignant cells of twelve cancer types like pancreas, lung, prostate and colon cancer. The lemons compounds have proven to be ten thousand times better than the adriamycin, drug used in chemo to decrease the cancer cell growth. The lemon therapy destroys only the malignant cancer cells, not the healthy ones.
Lemons have also been linked to other health benefits with high quantities of vitamin C, and proving to be a good source of folate.
You can also use lemon rind to clean wood furniture too.Previous Page >>
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