Broken blood vessels, which is known as telangiectasia rosacea in medical terms is a skin condition that occurs on the face or any other part of the body. People with fair, thin and sensitive skin are more prone to this skin ailment. People who suffer from rosacea also get attacked by this skin condition easily.
11 Safe and Effective Home Remedies for Broken Blood Vessels on Face
In this skin ailment, the blood vessels get dilated and then break. As a result, broken blood vessels appear under the surface of the skin (the blood vessels are generally red or purple in color). It makes the person look older than his/her age.

What Causes Broken Blood Vessels on Face

Broken blood vessels or capillaries on the face is not a serious health concern but it makes you feel conscious and embarrassed most of the times. There are many treatments available to get rid of this condition but before that, it is equally important to know the causes of broken blood vessels on face.
Heredity: It plays a major role in this skin ailment. The person may get this ailment from his/her parents or grandparents.
Extreme Weather Condition: Too cold or hot weather can affect our circulatory system and cause broken blood vessels on face and other parts of our body.
Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol consumption affects our body in many ways. The chemicals in alcohol create a reaction in the blood vessels and raise them to the surface of the skin. It also stimulates the brain to interfere with the vascular system, thus causes redness on the face. Ill effects of alcohol on the liver also cause broken blood vessels.
Excessive Exposure to the Sun: Sunlight contains UV rays in it. So when the skin gets exposed to the sun, the UV rays in it dilate and break the blood vessels, which appear as red or purple lines on the face.
Pregnancy and Child Birth: Both of these conditions can contribute to broken blood vessels on face because of the rise of the blood pressure level.
Growing Age: As the person gets older, she or he may get attacked with this skin condition as with age the skin becomes more prone to damages like broken blood vessels beneath the skin.
Skin Scrubbing: Harsh scrubbing of the skin or using hot water to wash the face also cause broken vessels on face.
Poor Diet: If we consume food that lacks sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, then it will affect the regenerating capacity of our body and we may get attacked by this skin ailment.
Due to Certain Body Functions: A severe vomiting or a hard sneeze can raise pressure on the blood vessels which in turn cause broken blood vessels on face.

Home Remedies for Broken Blood Vessels on the Face

Broken blood vessels or broken capillaries on face can be treated with laser or chemical surgery, but there are many natural and safe remedies that you can try at home. These remedies are not only effective but also come without any side effects.

1. Arnica

As arnica flower is a good source of anti-inflammatory and skin soothing properties, it can be very well used to treat broken blood vessels on face.
  • Dried Arnica Flowers – ¼ cup
  • Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – ½ cup
  1. In a cup, take coconut oil and mix the dried arnica flowers in it properly.
  2. Keep this arnica and coconut oil mixture in a sunny place for two weeks to get ready.
  3. Strain the arnica flowers and use the oil on the broken blood vessels.
  4. Use this oil twice a day to get rid of broken blood vessels on your face.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known as the wonder herb for the skin. It is a store house of anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and skin-moisturizing properties. So it is an effective ingredient to treat the broken blood vessels on your face.
  • Fresh Aloe Vera Gel – 1 tsp
  1. Take the aloe vera gel and apply it on the affected area of your face.
  2. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
  3. Pat dry your face with a clean towel.
  4. Apply fresh aloe vera gel twice daily, once in the morning and once before going to the bed to get best results against broken blood vessels on face.

3. Cold Aloe Vera

This way of using aloe vera also helps to treat this skin condition effectively. It also offers a soothing and cooling effect to the skin.
  • Aloe Vera Leaf – 1
  • Green Tea – 1 cup
  1. Take the aloe vera leaf and clean it with water.
  2. Pat it dry and keep it in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.
  3. Cut the outer layer of the leaf with a knife and scoop out the gel with the help of a spoon.
  4. Before going to bed clean your face with green tea and pat it dry.
  5. Rub aloe vera gel on the affected area few minutes.
  6. Follow this natural remedy every day for 2 weeks to get rid of broken blood vessels on your face effectively.

4. Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil is a good source of antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. It works as a good moisturizer. Its astringent properties work on the skin pores and make it healthy. It is one of the most effective ingredients that you can use to cure broken blood vessels on your cheeks and face.
Grape Seed Oil – ½ tsp
  1. Take this oil and massage it on your face in circular motions for 5 minutes.
  2. Using this oil regularly can be helpful in treating this skin condition by making it healthy.

5. Grape Seed Oil and Whipped Butter

Butter with its moisturizing effects makes the skin healthy. So when it is combined with the goodness of grape seed oil, it works well to take care of the issue of broken blood vessels on your face.
  • Grape Seed Oil – few drops
  • Whipped Butter – 1 tsp
  1. Mix few drops of grape seed oil in the whipped butter and mix well to get a paste.
  2. Apply it on your face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with normal water and pat dry your face with a cotton towel.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar help to treat this skin condition by decreasing the size of the blood vessels on face.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 1tbsp
  • Warm Water – 3 tbsp
  • Cotton Ball – 1
  1. Mix apple cider vinegar with water in a small bowl.
  2. Dip a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it on the broken capillaries.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes so that it can dry properly.
  4. Rinse off your face with water and pat dry the area with a clean towel.
  5. Follow this home remedy every day two times to treat broken capillaries on face naturally.

7. Horse Chestnut Seed Extract

Horse chestnut treats this skin condition by improving blood circulation to your face. It also improves vascular health.
  • Horse Chestnut Seed Extract: 1 tsp
  • Grape Seed Oil – 1tsp
  1. Mix both the oils properly and apply this mixture on your face.
  2. Massage it in circular motions for 5 minutes and leave overnight.
  3. In the morning rinse it off with cold water and pat dry your face with a cotton towel.
  4. Using this home remedy regularly may help you to keep broken capillaries on your face under control.

8. Green Tomato

Green tomato has skin nourishment properties. Its use makes the skin healthy and protects it from various skin diseases.
  • Medium Size Green Tomato – 1
  1. Cut the green tomato into thin slices.
  2. Put these slices on your face and leave for 5 to 6 minutes so that all the goodness of tomato can penetrate your skin to work faster.
  3. Clean your face with warm water and dry it with a cotton towel.
  4. You can apply a moisturizing cream if your skin feels dry.
  5. Follow this home remedy daily once for at least 10 days to treat the skin condition effectively.

9. Parsley

Parsley is another ancient remedy to get rid of broken blood vessels on the face. Parsley contains a good amount of antioxidants that protect the skin from free radical damages when we age. It also contains a lot of Vitamin C which helps in skin rejuvenation.
  • Parsley Leaf – a handful
  • Water – 100 ml
  • Milk – 50 ml
  1. Take 100 ml of water and to it add the parsley leaves.
  2. Boil it in low flame for 5 minutes, and then cover it with a lid and leave.
  3. After 15 minutes strain the parsley leaves and let it cool down completely.
  4. Mix the milk with it properly.
  5. Soak a clean towel in this mixture, and then apply it on your face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Wash your face with the remaining parsley liquid.
  7. Clean your face with cold water.
  8. Use this home remedy until you get rid of broken blood vessels on your face completely.

10. Sage and Milk

Sage has many medicinal properties that are beneficial for the skin. Its use makes the skin healthy. It also rejuvenates the aging skin. It is helpful for the skin problems which are related to veins. And when sage gets combined with the goodness of milk it works effectively to combat the issue of broken blood vessels on your face.
  • Dried Sage Leave – 4 tbsp
  • Milk – 200 ml
  • Boiling Water – 200 ml
  1. In a sauce pan take the boiling water and add dried sage leaves to it.
  2. Cover it with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain it and mix 200 ml milk in it.
  4. Now, clean your face with this milk and wait for 10 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with the remaining milk and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. Rinse off your face with cold water again.
  7. Using this natural remedy for broken capillaries on face every day, you can get back your blemish-free skin.

11. Essential Oil Remedy

Essential oils treat this skin condition by increasing blood circulation to the face. This remedy helps the blood to flow easily in the veins thus decreases the appearance of blood vessels on the face. Essential oils also prevent the blood vessels from losing their elasticity.
  1. Unrefined Avocado Oil – ¼ cup
  2. Calendula-infused Oil – ¼ cup
  3. Parsley Seed Essential Oil – 5 drops
  4. Geranium Essential Oil – 5 drops
  5. Lemon Essential Oil – 5 drops
  6. Cypress Essential Oil – 5 drops
  7. Amber Glass Dropper Bottle – 4 oz
  8. Small Funnel
  1. Pour avocado and calendula-infused essential oil to the amber glass dropper bottle by using the funnel.
  2. Add all other essential oils drop by drop to the bottle.
  3. Close the bottle and shake it well so that all the essential oils get mixed with each other thoroughly.
  4. Clean your face properly and apply 4 drops of this mixed essential oil on your face.
  5. In a circular motion massage your face gently and leave overnight so that all the goodness of the essential oils can penetrate deep into your skin.
Note: Use this remedy only at night because it contains lemon oil which is photosensitive.

Other Natural Remedies to Treat Broken Blood Vessels on Face

Sunflower Oil: The harmful UV ray is one of the main reasons that broken blood vessels appear on the face. In this case, sunflower oil comes as a savior as it works as a natural sunscreen lotion and gives protection from the harmful effects of the UV rays.
Rosehip Oil: Rosehip oil has the ability to treat various skin diseases like rosacea and spider veins. So its regular application can give relief from broken blood vessels on the face by reducing the redness of the veins.
Sacha Inchi Oil: Sacha inchi oil is a storehouse of antioxidants. It contains a good amount of Vitamin A and E which work wonders for the skin. These vitamins delay aging signs and help to keep the skin young. It also contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which are beneficial for the skin. Its anti-inflammatory property reduces the redness and soothes the skin. Its regular application helps to reduce red broken vessels from the face. You can also consume this oil with salads and juices for better results.
Vitamin E Oil: Applying Vitamin E oil is also considered as one of the most effective oil to treat this issue as it increases skin’s capacity to take moisture. Apply this oil on your face before going to bed and rinse it off in the morning and pat dry with a clean cotton towel.
Mineral Salt and Apple Cider Vinegar: This remedy decreases the burning sensation that is associated with broken blood vessels on face.
Chamomile or Peppermint Tea: If you want to get rid of broken blood vessels on your face soon, then start taking either chamomile or peppermint tea twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
Witch Hazel: Witch hazel which is used to treat varicose veins may help to treat broken blood vessels on cheeks. Its astringent properties may fade the blood vessels on your face. Apply witch hazel extract on the affected skin with the help of a cotton swab twice or thrice daily to get good results against broken blood vessels on your cheek.
Butcher’s Broom Extract: The use of butcher’s broom extract boosts blood circulation. Applying butcher’s broom on the affected skin once a day helps you to get rid of this skin condition.
Lukewarm Water: Washing your face with lukewarm water also gives relief from this skin condition. It also offers a soothing effect to the skin that is affected with broken blood vessels.
Raw Manuka Honey: Massaging your skin with raw manuka honey increases the blood supply to the face area and heals the thinned up skin that got affected with broken blood vessels. It also decreases the redness of the face area as it contains hydrogen peroxide, which treats facial redness by increasing blood circulation.
How to Prevent Broken Blood Vessels on Face
The appearance of broken blood vessels on your face makes you feel conscious and most of the times it embarrasses you. You just do not want those lines on your face. So isn’t it great if we prevent this issue before it affects your face or if we check the reappearance of these broken capillaries on your face!
Eat Food that is Rich in Vitamin C and Lysine: Foods that are rich in Vitamin C like orange, kale, red peppers, brussels sprout, broccoli, strawberries, grapefruit, guava and foods that contain a good amount of lysine like cheese, turkey, soy, fish, shrimp, shellfish, beans, peas, lentil, etc., makes the skin healthy and strong enough to be affected by broken blood vessels. If you are already suffering from this skin condition, then start including these foods in your daily diet to combat it naturally and to stop the reoccurrence of the broken blood vessels on your face.
Wear Sunscreen:  UV ray of the sun is one of the main reasons of broken blood vessels on your face. So protect your skin from sun exposure. Always wear a good sunscreen lotion while going out during the day time. Also, wear sunglasses and hat while going out in the hot sun.
Be Aware of Windburn: Strong wind can also damage your facial skin and make it prone to broken blood vessels. So always wear a scarf around your face to protect it from the harshness of the strong wind.
Quit Alcohol: Alcohol consumption increases the number of broken blood vessels on your face.  So it is advisable to lessen alcohol consumption or quit it to get a damage-free skin. Avoid taking red wine as it may worsen the condition.
Quit Smoking: Like alcohol, smoking also worsens this skin condition by weakening and breaking the blood vessels. Quit smoking as soon as possible if you want to be away from this skin ailment.
Eat a Balanced Diet: Include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet so that your skin can get all the vitamins and minerals essential for a healthy skin. Include leafy greens, citrus fruit, cucumber, broccoli, oranges in your everyday meal.
Avoid Extreme Weather Conditions: The sensitive skin of your face becomes prone to broken blood vessels when it is exposed to extreme weather conditions. It hampers the blood circulation to the face area and the blood vessels expand and contract as per the temperature. This situation, in turn, causes broken blood vessels.
Using home remedies is not only effective but also safe to cure broken blood vessels on the face. And at the same time, these home remedies do not have any side effects and they are cost-effective too.
But if your condition is severe and there is no improvement after using all these home remedies, then it is advisable to see a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and guidance to treat this issue of broken blood vessels on your face effectively.
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