Blisters are small and uncomfortable lesions that result from constant friction. They usually appear around the heels and ankles, but they are also found in other parts of the body.
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Literally anywhere that is covered by skin and is exposed to friction is prone to develop these injuries. Even scratching an area too much can sometimes result in terrible blisters.
Overall, a blister is the painful outcome of tissue that’s been damaged by friction. They commonly appear around the feet due to poor footwear choices.
Eating foods that are too hot or cold can also trigger a small outbreak of blisters in the gums or elsewhere inside the mouth. Something as simple as an insect bite can even result in a blister if you scratch it too often or don’t take care of the wound. Plus, a burn of any kind can leave a trail of blisters.
Today, we want to share five ways to get ride of them, and how you can properly heal them.
Blisters? Find out how to eliminate them
Check out the following five solutions
- Let them breathe
If you don’t want your blister to worsen over time (and we’re assuming that you don’t), you have to follow this piece of advice: let it breathe.
This is a practical solution and you’re guaranteed instant relief.
Following this golden rule for blisters will make those unpleasant wounds gradually heal. The longer the blister is exposed to air, in fact, the faster the healing process will be.
If you need to, wear a bandage to walk around. In this case, ensure that it’s loose. Keep the center of the bandage slightly raised so that air can flow beneath it.
- Apply a topical ointment
You read that correctly. Although it might seem obvious, the use of an ointment can make a big difference and considerably prevent the spread of your injury. Topical creams shorten the duration of a blister and eliminate many of the negative consequences – if, of course, you choose the right treatment.
fter removing any dirt or debris from your blister, you’ll probably want to apply an antibacterial ointment. A gel cream might be a good option because it can also feel refreshing.
- Always dry the blister
The only way to treat a blister that’s causing you extreme pain and pressure (if it’s filled with fluid) is to pop it. In order to avoid an infection when popping it, you must:
- Clean the blisterwith water and antiseptic soap.
- Gently break blister along the edge using a sewing needle sterilized with rubbing alcohol, and drain all the fluid.
- Don’t remove the top layer of skin, as this can protect you against infection.
- Remember to keep the affected area dry.
- Aloe for healing blisters
Ah, you again – the plant that treats countless conditions. Blisters really can be a headache, especially for athletes and people who typically deal with external factors like rain or sun or certain shoes or equipment.
Here’s the solution for you:
- Cut open the leaf of an aloe vera plant, both along the length and across it.
- Apply the gel inside to the affected area and you’ll immediately notice an improvement.
- Cornmeal
This is an ingredient that’s well-known in most Latin American countries, as countless products are made from the flour produced from corn. An unusual but effective use for cornmeal, however, is to treat blisters and help them heal.
This recipe will help you treat those annoying blisters.
- 1 tablespoon of cornmeal (10 g)
- 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
What should you do?
- Mix the cornmeal and honey until a paste forms.
- Apply it to your blister. It will help you avoid a possible infection.
Finally, if your discomfort continues after these treatments, it’s best to see a doctor who can evaluate the damage to your skin and prescribe something to help you heal..
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