Discoloration of the teeth is a common issue which many people deal with. Also, many of them are afraid to go in the dental seat, and in order to whiten their teeth they turn to natural remedies instead.
 Well, as we already use natural remedies to naturally treat many diseases, then why couldn`t the same be applied to whitening the teeth? First, we are going to outline one of the main culprits for discoloration of the teeth, and then, we are about to present a very simple and all natural treatment.
  • Soft and Carbonated Drinks
  • Antibiotics
  • Red Wine
  • Sweets
  • Tea/Coffee
  • Cigarettes
Avoiding the aforementioned things which are considered to be the cause for discoloration of the teeth, makes sense and it is the first and foremost step towards whitening the teeth. 

 Nowadays, you can find various products for whitening available on the market, such as whitening kits or products for everyday care. Also, most of the product used for this purpose can be obtained online, on the internet. An excellent choice and a place to look for such products would definitely be Amazon.
However, as the name of the article suggest, we are going to present an all natural and homemade solution for whiter teeth. The best thing about this trick is that any household already has the needed ingredients.
  • Lime/ Lemon/ Water
  • Baking Soda
You are supposed to make a paste by using these ingredients. Use the paste once a week, and make sure you don’t overdo it, as it may weaken your tooth enamel.  Try this amazing and super easy method and see the results for yourself.
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