By person with serious health issues Erika Schwartz, MD, was asked for an advice. She decided to consult his cardiologist whether he would agree to completely change his therapy.
Due to an advanced stage of eczema that person had sleeping disorders which caused unbearable itching excess weight, low testosterone and thyroid levels.
For three weeks Erika has been trying to reach his cardiologist, and eventually, she succeeded. Erika suggest the elimination of the medications which contributed to the eczema of the patient.
The man claimed that she don’t understand science , on the other hand she said that he hung up on her  after stating that they have the same medical degree.
Erika explained all to her patient and he decided to change his cardiologist and try the plan she suggested. Her treatments consisted of eliminating the medication for his cholesterol and boosting the level of the thyroid hormones. The correction of the hormones naturally maintained the cholesterol low.
Thyroid hormones result of the function of the thyroid gland—an endocrine gland in the form of a butterfly found in the lower front of the neck.
Triiodothyronine and thyroxine—also are known as T3 and T4 and its functions I following. Through the bloodstream T4 reaches the body organs because is turned into the active T3 in cells and can regulate metabolism and provide energy. It has a significant influence on the entire body, as it helps the organs to function optimally.
Hypothyroidism is when the gland does not produce sufficient hormones to regulate the necessary body functions and results with n Hashimoto’s disease, that is an autoimmune condition in which the thyroid is attacked by the immune system itself.
It can be manifested by numerous different symptoms, like body temperature irregularities, poor reflexes, dry skin, brittle nails, fatigue, feeling cold, hair loss, weight gain, depression, brain fog, mood swings etc.
All these can provoke other diseases that the doctors will prescribe some medications that are not adequate, and do not even consider the thyroid imbalance as a potential cause.
According to thyroid expert and author of numerous books on the theme Mary Shomon, high cholesterol or depression people are going in and are getting handed cholesterol meds and antidepressants.
In the conventional test there is a critical flaw to diagnose hypothyroidism, according to the doctor and this test, measures the level of a pituitary hormone, TS, in the blood.
When the pituitary hormone directs the thyroid gland to produce and release thyroid hormones, it does not show the amount of T3 or T4 in the blood.
People that has these symptoms, have a normal TSH result, take medications that do not treat their root problem and even suffer from their side- effects.
This happened because people treat individual symptoms and we look at the body as a whole. This test is made to anybody who wants to take care of themselves, or someone who actually wants to take care of the patient.”
For better results the levels of T3 and T4 should be individually examined. You must be sure that T4 is being turned into active T3 and that the T3 enters cells in order to regulate the function of the body organs.
According to Dr. Schwartz the treatment consist of diet, hormones, exercise and supplements. Her approach has given great results but regards the body as a whole.
According to her , when people get thyroid the active thyroid hormone—it is the quickest way to get people to feel better and when  they fell better, they could tweak their diet, exercise, lifestyle.
Vital part of the successful treatment is the way thyroid hormones influence the entire body, according to Shomon.
In fact people metabolism relies on our thyroid’s ability to function properly and in case when we not get enough oxygen or energy for brain function, for all of the other hormone production processes, to the cells for digestion, for pancreatic function, and the glands that are producing those, then everything is going to be slowing down and not working properly. It present gas pedal for almost everything.
That happened as result from a combination of certain aspects like immunity, diet, hormones, the environment, immunity, and the like.
According to Dr. Emerson, you should ask yourself are you eating the right food or drinking the right water. Ask yourself are you getting enough sun, getting enough sleep enough exercise or getting medicines in my food?
You must listen your body. When you can’t sleep at night, why don’t you sleep at night, if you consume much water that woke you up in the middle of the night, also did you have dinner too late.  Specify the root of your health issue, and thus, find the proper natural treatment if you properly take care of the things explained above.”
Dr. Schwartz claimed that there are a different reasons why you may not be sleeping at night. Take responsibility for improving. American alternative medicine doctors, Joseph Mercola, believes that in order to maintain good health, you need to work on many aspects.
According to some doctors the major control of the health is done by research and finding quality resources, as well as consulting experienced individuals, doctors and experts.
It  help in slowing  down the aging process, boost your energy, also improve your overall health by restarting your thyroid with the proper nutrients.


  • Eggs (up to 3 per day)
  • Mushrooms (button, crimini, shiitake)
  • Fish (wild salmon, halibut, sardines, flounder)
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Poultry (chicken, turkey)
  • Shellfish (shrimp, clams, oysters, mussels, scallops)
  • Meat (Beef, liver, lamb, pork)
  • Brazil nuts
  • Whole grains (wheat germ, barley, brown rice, oats)
  • Veggies (Artichokes, Greens, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Arugula, Collard Greens, Cucumber ,Asparagus, Avocado, Bean Sprouts, Beet Cauliflower, Celery, Chives,)
  • Fruits (all types of berries and lemons)
  • Avoid Beer
  • Avooid diary
  • Avoid Sugar and Sweeteners
  • Avoid all Grains
  • Avoid Beans and Legumes
  • calorie restricted diets
  • low fat diets
  • very low carbohydrate diets
You should stop eating more than 6-8 servings of Goitrogenic foods per week and these foods should be steamed instead of eaten raw.
Do low intensity exercise for at least 1 hour per day like:
  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Biking
  • After a month you should start doing high intensity exercise from 1 to 3 times per week, like:
  • Body Weight Exercises
  • Weight Lifting Exercises
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